Other countries would be delighted to have immigrants with such assimilationist sympathies. 换一个别的国家,都巴不得能有这样一些欣然接受同化的移民。
These are harsh words from this Nobel Peace Prize laureate, but they are also a truthful characterization of China's assimilationist policies. 这些严厉的话不仅出自受人尊重的诺贝尔和平奖的得主,而且确实反映了中国各项同化政策。
" These are harsh words from this Nobel Peace Prize laureate, but they are also a truthful characterization of China's assimilationist policies. 这些严厉的话不仅出自受人尊重的诺贝尔和平奖的得主,而且确实反映了中国各项同化政策。