We should try to aroid the mistake such as develop4ng blindfold and have to rectify busily. 应当尽量避免先盲目发展再治理整顿的旧有思路。
Spraying the liquid medicine to the nwounded surface can aroid hurting the wounded surface by spreading and changing medicine . 5. 创面喷冲此药液,避免以往涂抹、擦换药时所导致的创面损伤。
A fleshy clublike spike bearing minute flowers, usually enclosed within a sheathlike spathe, characteristic of aroid plants, such as the calla and the jack-in-the-pulpit. 肉穗花序:一种似棒的肉质穗状花序,通常开有被包在鞘状佛焰苞内的小花,有天南星属植物的特征,如马蹄莲和天南星
Meanwhile, several special plant collection and conservation sections such as wild orchid collection, ginger plant collection, aroid plant collection, fern garden are involved in. 置身其中,你可看到典型的热带雨林景观,如老茎生花、绞杀现象、沧海桑田的见证、梦幻雨林;
aroid palm [Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Lodd.) Engl.] 金钱树