There is a continuum of unit length of identical arbitrageurs. 意思倒是明白,但用德语怎么说呢?
Hedge funds are perfect examples of the speculative trader and arbitrageur. 但它们远不是唯一的挑战。
Arbitrageurs were eager to take advantage of the price differential. 套利者迫切希望从这一价差中获利。
In futures market, the hedgers, arbitrageurs, speculators make up the market participants. 在期货市场中,套期保值者、套利交易者和投机者构成了市场的参与主体。
The arbitrageurs’market dealing has tremendous impact on the market’s macro-function. 其中,套利交易者的市场行为,对于市场的整体运行,起到十分重要的作用。