Why not let the aquarist breed their own? 为什么不让水族馆爱好者们繁育自己的品种呢?
A full-featured desktop application for the serious saltwater aquarist. 这是为盐水养殖业人员开发的一个功能丰富的桌面应用。
It is highly recommended that any aquarist considering one do extensive research and reading on their care. 强烈建议水族爱好者翻阅大量关于如何照料它们的资料。
Our normal maintenance schedule is similar to that of a home aquarist, but on a much larger scale. 虽然我们普通的维修时间表跟一个普通的家庭水族箱类似,但却是一个很大规模的工程。
While a private aquarist can see a few inches of coral growth as being quite spectacular in a 55-gallon aquarium, it is not even noticeable in an aquarium of this magnitude. 当一个水族爱好者在一个只有55加仑的水族箱里看到颇为壮观的几英寸长的珊瑚时,这根本没有体现一个水族像的耗资巨大。