For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord. 因为你们在主里正是我作使徒的印证。
The Corinithian congregation is his letter of apostleship. 這封信不是用墨水寫的,乃是由永生上帝的靈寫的。
Paul's apostleship is called into question; so he addresses this. 有人怀疑保罗的使徒身分。因此保罗处理这问题。
How does Peter describe himself before he mentions his apostleship? 彼得自称使徒之前,怎样形容自己呢?
Paul's grace and apostleship :towards a new interpretation /Fabrizio Tosolini. 书名/著者叙述 The letter to the Romans and St.