Anther apex conspicuously apiculate, apiculus (0.4--)1 mm or more. 具细尖,细尖的显著花药先端(0.
Capsule without apiculus; leaf blade apex rounded, margin small crenate. 没有细尖的蒴果;先端圆形的叶片,小具圆齿的边缘。
Anther apex not apiculate or minutely apiculate, apiculus ca. 0.1 mm. 具细尖,细尖的显著花药先端(0.
There existed 10 phenotypes for husk color, 6 for apiculus color, 5 for awn type, and 4 for grain shape, respectively. 颖壳色、稃尖色、芒型和粒型4个质量性状分别有10、6、5、4种表现型。
Sepals and petals 5, persistent after anthesis, sepals free, entire to gland-fringed, petals entire to distally crenate, apiculus obscure or absent. 萼片和花瓣5,宿存在花后,萼片离生,全缘到具流苏状腺体,全缘的花瓣到上部具圆齿,细尖不明显或无。