Stems sparsely antrorse appressed hairy, densely so on angles, with many long branches. 顺向贴伏有毛的茎疏生,因此在角上,具很多长分枝的浓密。
Stems and petioles sparsely antrorse white pubescent, purplish only at base; leaves sparsely appressed puberulent, densely so on abaxial veins. 茎和叶柄疏生顺向的白色短柔毛,略带紫色的只在基部;留下疏生贴伏被微柔毛,浓密如此在背面的脉上。(4
Fruiting bracts connate only near base, triangular to ovate-rhombic, basal central part yellow-white, inflated, corky, each side of midline with an antrorse process, margins irregularly serrate. 果苞片合生的只近基部,胞果压扁卵圆形;
antrorse Opposite of retrorse; pointing or turned forward or upward. 向前及向上的转向前或向上的。
"antrorse: Directed forward and upward, as the hairs on certain plant stems." 向前的,向上的:向前的、向上的,如某些植物茎上所生的绒毛。