n. 前菜; 开胃的食品
Enjoy with seafood, salads and antipasto. 适合搭配海鲜、沙拉及开胃小菜。
Auch Antipasti, Frittata, Dolci und Pasta selbermachen. 网站简介 : Alle Arten von Pastarezepten.
Cuisine Antipasto, meats, pasta, mushrooms and Asian dishes. 佐食:开胃食物、肉类、意大利面食、蘑菇及亚洲菜肴。
An adjacent bar serves a variety of delicious chilled and grilled antipasti. 毗邻的酒吧则呈献各式美味意式前菜。
How much beyond this antipasto is there that hasn’t been translated? 除了这个前奏曲之外,还有多少没被翻译成英文的小说?
During the week-long 4)course, you'll learn how to make antipasti, risotto and Ragu Bolognese. 在为期一周的课程中,你将学会如何做开胃小菜、意大利调味饭与肉酱面。