Ordinarily, neutrinos and antineutrinos readily escape from stellar interiors without making collisions. 通常,中微子和反中微子容易无碰撞地从星体内部逃逸出去。
There is a good chance that this outward diffusion of neutrinos and antineutrinos plays a crucial role in the supernova explosion. 中微子和反中微子的这种向外的散射很可能在超新星爆发中起着关键的作用。
An interaction between elementary particles involving neutrinos or antineutrinos that is responsible for certain kinds of radioactive decay,mediated by intermediate vector bosons. 基本粒子间的基本相互作用,对一些放射性衰变起作用,和中微子或反中微子有关,以向量玻色子为媒介。
neutrinos and antineutrinos readily escape from stellar interiors without making collisions. 通常,中微子和反中微子容易无碰撞地从星体内部逃逸出去。
36. Ordinarily, neutrinos and antineutrinos readily escape from stellar interiors without making collisions. 通常,中微子和反中微子容易无碰撞地从星体内部逃逸出去。