Main ingredients: ginger extract, ZPT antidandruff factor. 主要成分:姜汁精华、ZPT去屑因子等。
It's probably just dandruff. Some antidandruff should do the trick. 那可能是头皮屑的问题.
Consequently, an antidandruff shampoo is both a cosmetic and a drug. 因此,具有抗头皮屑功效的洗发水既是一种化妆品也是一种药物。
Roller antidandruff horizontal plane to ensure no chewing gum smooth burr. 4、采用卧式辊筒去屑机保证香口胶光滑无毛刺。
Its unique ZPT antidandruff factor will remove and prevent the dandruff.It will bring healthy and glossy hair for you. 配合独特的ZPT去屑成分,有效去除头屑,防止头屑、头痒再次出现,强韧发根,常保秀发健康亮泽。