But those antiabortion protesters weren’t the ones who occasionally appeared at my campaign rallies. 但是这些反堕胎的抗议者并不是那些偶尔出现在我的竞选大会上的人。
But those antiabortion protesters weren't the ones who occasionally appeared at my campaign rallies. 但是那些反堕胎抗议者并不是那些偶尔地出现在我的竞选集会上的人。
S. was that its opponents, particularly antiabortion activists, were trying to stop it completely. 反堕胎狂热份子反对IVF的主要原因,是由于过程中产生的多馀胚胎注定要沦落到随便销毁的命运;
Ironically, the reason IVF became so ubiquitous and uncontrolled in the U.S. was that its opponents, particularly antiabortion activists, were trying to stop it completely. 讽刺的是,IVF在美国之所以变得这麽普遍且不受管制,原因来自其反对者,尤其是想完全将其禁绝的反堕胎狂热份子。