Try to avoid the too frequent use of such Latin words as juxtaposition, animadvert, salutation, recapitulate. 尽量不要经常使用这些拉丁词语,比如juxtaposition, animadvert, salutation, recapitulate。
Second, Bacon animadverts on traditional classical scientific and philosophical thought and assumes studies of future science in New Atlantis. 培根在《新大西岛》中对传统的古典科学与哲学思想的批判以及对未来科学研究的设想,即与自亚里士多德以来的传统科学相比,培根的科学观“新”在何处;
In 1950s the glass curtain walls were bricked as a animadvert on capitalist aesthetic. 1950年代将玻璃幕墙用砖砌上以示对资本主义审美的批判;
Animadvert on the tow consciousnesses;we will try to discuss the prospect of feminism literature. 并且,借助于对这种现象的批判,本论文将试图继续探讨女性写作在“自恋”与“自虐”之后将向何处去的重大课题。
Doubt and animadvert are inner motive force of innovation of science and culture. 怀疑和批判是促进科学与文化不断创新的内推力。