His parents animadverted on the badness of his taste. 他的父母责备他趣味低下。
This fundamental has been animadverted on by many scholars. 在理论界,这项原则在实践中的展开受到了许多学者的批判。
That the communitarianism emerges as the neo-liberalism is animadverted. 社群主义以批判新自由主义的面目出现,二者理论观点对峙。
People animadverted eugenics mainly for the reason of ethic and "miserable memory". 人们对优生学的批判主要是因为"伤痛的历史记忆"及不同的伦理取向等方面的原因。
So they volcanically animadverted on them and wanted to get rid of the groundwork of the family normal and ethic. 他们一方面激烈地批判传统道德体系中的三纲五常,意欲彻底铲除家族道德伦理的根基;