Allegorize the quest for the Holy Grail as an inner spiritual search. 把寻求圣杯解释为内在的精神追求
Bosch s paintings have strong religious spirit and through oil and woodprint paintings, his allegorize painting ideologies kept till today. 其画作具有强烈的宗教精神,并藉油画及版画将具寓意性的思想流传下来。
The conclusion of this complex and allegorize painting is that: human over look god s rules and made unforgiving sins and as a result human suffer the terrible consequences. 其结构复杂的寓言所下的结论为:人类由于罔顾神的戒律,而犯下不可饶恕之罪,及在因果戒律之下遭到恐怖的报应。
Flowers are well enough but hungry souls prefer bread.To allegorize with Origen may make men stare at you but your work is to fill men's mouths with truth not to open them with wonder. 宣讲意味不是利用人们觉得自己污秽败坏的心理(一种洗脑的把戏)而是借着上帝圣洁律例衡量人们的生活。