The architecture space is the carrier of human life and aggraded the human culture . 建筑空间是人类生活的物质载体,积淀了人类文化。
And those of braided transport quickly and aggraded vertically.They increase hardness against improving the prospecting resolution. 辫状河相沉积的砂体迁移快、垂向加积等特点,增加了在勘探过程中对其分辨的难度。
The Humen Estuary is a tidal-dominant estuary, which is aggraded and stretched at both sides of bedrock by deposition of sediment in river. 摘要虎门口是珠江八大人海河口之一,其形成是上游河流携带泥沙在两基岩岛侧淤积延伸的结果,属潮汐优势型河口。
The main reason that the submerged nozzle clogged during continuous casting of high aluminum low carbon steel is aluminate that aggraded the submerged nozzle wall. 中薄板坯连铸机生产低碳高铝钢过程中,浸入式水口堵塞的主要原因是水口与钢水之间产生化学作用和钢水中的氧化铝夹杂物在水口壁上沉积。
Owing to the reduced sediment and artificial revetment, sand bar is aggraded vertically, and becomes thin in longitude.The shape of estuarine transverse section becomes narrow-deep. 由于上游来沙量减少、人工护岸的作用下,河口口门断面趋于窄深。