They were Napoleon and two adjutants escorting him. 向他驰近的骑者是拿破仑和随行的两名副官。
Before he reached the hussars, several adjutants met him with news of the successful issue of the engagement. 在几名副官尚未追上骠骑兵之际,他们便带着战斗顺利结束的消息来迎接国王。
KUTUZOV, accompanied by his adjutants, followed the carabineers at a walking pace. 库图佐夫在副官们的伴随下跟在卡宾枪手背后一步一步地缓行。
Adjutants still kept galloping up from every side, and all, as though in collusion, said the same thing. 副官们从各方面不断驰来,他们好像商量好似的,都说同样的话。
He told me himself that all the Moscow ladies were in league together to give him all their offspring as adjutants. 他曾亲自对我说,莫斯科的夫人们统统勾结起来了,要把她们自己的儿子送给库图佐夫当副官。”