They walk from their villages and make the arduous ascent of Taishan. 困难的,险峻的,费力的,刻苦的。
The 1 million farmers here ever were this blackland ground to win completely homebred grain with arduous sweat the reputation of the biggest county. 这里的百万农民曾用辛勤的汗水为这块黑土地赢得全国产粮第一大县的声名。
They walk from their villages and make the arduous ascent of Taishan. 困难的,险峻的,费力的,刻苦的。
Tusken youths are taught the dangers of desert survival at a young age.They must pass through an arduous rite of passage before being accepted as adults. 年轻的塔斯肯人在很小的时候就被告之沙漠生存的危险性,他们必须按照惯例穿越险峻的路途才能被认可,长大成人。