Substitute Akvavit for Vodka. In original recipe. Garnish with lemon wedge and giant caper berry on a side plate. 用白兰地替换伏特加,饰柠檬楔片及浆果。
Add 2 shots of akvavit,1 shot of clam juice and a pinch of pepper and celery salt to the other ingredients. Then garnish with a salt and pepper rim. 加入2盎司的白兰地,1盎司的蛤蜊汁和一小撮胡椒,芹菜盐的其他成分混合。然后杯口镶以盐和胡椒。
Can also be spelt Akvavit. 如有其它原料就只能写为AKVAVIT。
Names like "life water" have continued to be the inspiration for the names of several types of beverages, like Gaelic whisky , Scandinavian akvavit , French eaux-de-vie and possibly vodka . 名称,如“生命水”继续得到灵感的姓名,几种类型的饮料,如盖尔 威士忌 , 斯堪的纳维亚 akvavit , 法语 eaux -德- VIE和可能的伏特加酒 。