To "go halvsies" is to split something in half. In this case, I was hoping you could do half of my housework. 哎谁让你是我朋友呢!我愿意帮你干一半的家务。可是我们怎麽分担呢?
We can go halvsies by me doing the laundry and cleaning the bathroom, and you mopping the kitchen and doing the dusting and vacuuming. 等等,我得写下来,免得你反悔。你说你负责洗衣服和打扫厕所,我负责拖厨房的地板和吸尘。这麽多事情,干完肯定累死了。那我们到时候可以出去吃东西。
LL: We can go halvsies by mt doing the laundry and cleaning the bathroom, and you mopping the kitchen and doing the dusting and vacuuming. 等等,我得写下来,免得你反悔。你说你负责洗衣服和打扫厕所,我负责拖厨房的地板和吸尘。这麽多事情,干完肯定累死了。那我们到时候可以出去吃东西。
LL: To "go halvsies" is to split something in half. In this case, I was hoping you could dobathroom, and you mopping the kitchen and doing the dusting and vacuuming. 等等,我得写下来,免得你反悔。你说你负责洗衣服和打扫厕所,我负责拖厨房的地板和吸尘。这麽多事情,干完肯定累死了。那我们到时候可以出去吃东西。