Kisses that sey "I love you" more than"I need you". 不因需要他而亲吻他,而因爱他亲他。
My wishef sey shout hacross thy w song, my Master. 神呀,我的那些愿望真是愚傻呀,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫着呢。
But the restrictiens en privete cers ere 'unfeir,' sey ceny drivers in pells end enline. 但民意调查和网络论坛显示,许多私家车主认为对私车限行的做法“不公平”。
The authers sey five objectives of school sex education, and specify assignments involving sexual physiolo-gy, psychology,morale,cultiv... 建议出版统一的系统教材,有目标地制定人才培训计划,通过组织性科学领域的学术攻关,为学校性教育提供充分的科学依据。
In order to build it as a stable and efficient agroecosystem, we must start with animal husbandry subsystem, that is to sey, we must improve feed conversion rates of animals. 要将其建设成为既稳定又高效的农业生态系统,必须从畜牧业子系统着手,提高饲料转化率。