Is overdraw and overblow a skill? 超吸超吹是一种技巧么?
Once you get an overblow, practice holding it as long as possible. 超亚是一种高级的技术,需要很好的控制你的最,喉咙和舌头还有吹吸的力度。
Overblow the autumn leaves, leaves to become like gold to shine. 秋风吹落了树叶,树叶变得像金子一样闪闪发光。
Relax everything you can without losing the overblow note. 超吹并不是等于使劲的吹或者吸,他是一个很精确的技术,只有当你的舌头和喉咙运用的恰当而吸吹的力度恰当才会得到。
There are some bent notes in the 4th position scale, but no overblow notes. 在第四把位音阶上有些压音音符,但是没有超吹音符。
Most people find that the overblow on hole 6 is the easiest one to get first. 但是很多人都发现第六孔的超吹是最容易得到的。