Has taken part in the assessment of the Liuku Reservoir of Nujiang River (mainly the zoobenthos). 曾参与建设怒江六库水电站的环境评估,负责部分。
Also did a lot of surveys on the periodically change of plankton as well as zoobenthos. 并曾参与滇池的浮游生物、底栖动物物的周期性变化调查。
The current water quality and the indications of protozoa and zoobenthos to contamination were also investigated. 结果表明,拒马河水生动物种类较为丰富,物种多样性高,水质生物指标综合评价拒马河水体受到轻度和中度污染。
The zooplankton mainly contains copepodid, cladocerans and so on The zoobenthos mainly contains shell and limnodrilus nearly about 21 species. 浮游动物主要有桡足类、枝角类、轮虫类等;底栖动物主要是蚌、螺类、水丝蚓等21种。
All of these three transects were set in mid-tidal zone. 13 zoobenthos species were observed, with 7 species of arthropod, 4 species of mollusk, and 2 species of annelid. 采集到底栖动物13种,其中节肢动物7种,软体动物4种,环节动物2种。