Chemical weathering was beginning to attack the unweathered bedrock. 化学侵蚀作用开始攻击还未侵蚀的岩床。
Bright ejecta rays such as these are produced as impacts excavate and eject relatively unweathered subsurface material. 这些放射状陨石坑产生于天体撞击溅出的地下物质,绵延在遍布陨石坑的水星表面数百公里。
This sequence of events would explain why any volcanic rocks that have erupted onto the surface in the past few billion years should still be unweathered and pristine. 这一连串事件可以解释,为什麽过去数十亿年来,所有喷发到地表的火成岩仍然原始而未风化。
The profile is classified into 6 grades I-VI as residual soil, completely weathered, stronly weathered, moderately weathered, slightly weathered and unweathered rocks. 花岗岩风化壳剖面适用六分法(残积土层、全风化带、强风化带、中等风化带、微风化带和未风化带)。
6. The subscript O and W identify the unweathered and weathered states. 下标O和W分别表示属于未风化和已风化的状态。