Ford, who was born on July 14, 1913, in Omaha, Nebraska, has been alive for 93 years and 121 days, one day more than Reagen, who was 93 years, 120 days,when died June 5, 2004. 福特总统于1913年7月14日出生在内布拉斯加的奥马哈市,他在上周日这天满93岁零121天,而里根总统2004年6月5日逝世时刚93岁零120天。
Degradation of chlorophenol (4-CP) by Fenton reagen improving dual-low frequency ultrasound technology[J].Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science),2004,38(1):114-119. Fenton试剂强化双低频超声降解对氯苯酚的研究[J].
American - Americans of every race and reagen region and station - who came here beacuse because you believe in what this country can be and because you want us to help us get there. 你们来到这里,因为你们相信这个国家会变得更好,而且你们愿意帮助我们使他变得更好。”
In orde to dea with the 3 major issues related to water quality, i. e. corroin, blockage and scale, a rational use of reagen is suggested.Additionally, the prospects of waste water cont... 通过合理使用化学试剂,解决了影响水质的腐蚀、堵塞和结垢3大问题。
XU Hai-yan,LIU Ya-fei,TANG Wen-wei,et al.Study on the treatment for coking plant wastewater with ultrasonic,electrolysis and Fenton's reagen[ J ].Industrial Water Treatment,2004,24(2):43-45. [5]许海燕