The potential utility of feed forward artificial neural network using the back propagation algorithm (BP-ANN), in interpreting pyrogram data from traditional Chinese medicine was discussed. 将以误差反向传播为训练算法的前馈式人工神经网络(BP-ANN)首次用于中草药的裂解气相色谱谱图解析。
Abstract The potential utility of feed forward artificial neural network using the back propagation algorithm (BP-ANN), in interpreting pyrogram data from traditional Chinese medicine was discussed. 摘要将以误差反向传播为训练算法的前馈式人工神经网络(BP-ANN)首次用于中草药的裂解气相色谱谱图解析。
We laid stress on how to extract and encode the most meaningful information from pyrogram to use as the input matrix in neural network,such as data representation and preprocessing. 重点考察了如何表征和提取复杂的裂解色谱图中有价值信息,用主成分分析方法处理后输入到参数经优化的神经网络中。
fingerprint pyrogram 指纹热解图,指纹热解色谱图