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vt. [常用被动语态]以语法结构表示; 将 ... 作为语法要求; 使符合语法

It is not a matter of grammatic but sematic....maybe... 应该不是错

Article verb having discussed that how the boundary fixes a cognition mainly, in the course of grammaticalize that the verb is how to is embodied evidential function. 文章主要讨论了如何界定认识动词,以及认识动词是如何在虚化过程中体现传信功能的。

My English is not great, please let me know if I made any grammatic errors, thanks!Say Hi to Connor for me. 我的英语不太好,如果语法中有错误的地方希望你能告诉我,谢谢!

You are allowed to revise your essay before the week ends. You are very welcome to correct any grammatic error. The best essay will be announced on Sunday! 在星期末端之前,您被允许校正您的英语争论文。您是被允改正您的论文的语法错误。最佳的英语争论文将在周末星期天宣布!

This is a good paper that after proofreading to eliminate the grammatic and typographycal errors should be acceptable for publication after some revision. 当读到这样的审稿人意见时,会深切体会到多次修改论文好处了吧!!

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