Deionized water is in a impinger bathed in ice water. 作者对这台气相色谱仪进行了标定,建立一套完整的标定方法,其中包括标准样品的制备和标准曲线的制取。
Then flushes cleanly with the deionized water, and product rapid dry. 然后用去离子水冲洗干净,并将产品迅速干燥。
Place the resultant sample coil into a beaker of boiling deionized water. 将弄好的样品卷放在盛有沸腾去离子水的烧杯中。
The cleaned slide is dipped in deionized water and the drying pattern is observed. 把已洗干净的载片侵入去离子水中然后观察其干燥的图样。
A, First mix aloe and deionized water together, harmonize and stir to uniformity , and get the mixture. 先将芦荟与去离子水混合在一起,调和搅拌均匀,得到混合物;