Bell bottom is a fashion must in the late 1960s. 喇叭裤是一九六零年代末期时装流行不可缺的。
He was dressed in a chequered jacket and bell bottomed trousers. 他穿了一件方格夹克、一条喇叭裤。
Bell bottoms were a fashion must in the late 1960s. 喇叭裤是一九六○年代末期时装流行不可缺的。
I'm looking for hip-hugger, tight bell bottom jeans. 我在找低腰的紧身喇叭牛仔裤。
Clothes that hang onto the body translate the feel of this look - hipster skirts, bell bottomed pants, leather and lace. 密密的针脚,刺绣和钩织的制品成为大街上推动潮流的主要特征。
Clothes that hang onto the body translate the feel of this look - hipster skirts, bell bottomed pants, leather and lace. Glamour is trashed so take comfort in rock and roll. 紧紧的裹住身体的服装演绎了这一季的流行----时髦的裙子,喇叭裤,皮革饰边。摇滚中的舒适是一种无法抗拒的美。