The little new baby had an angelic face. 新生儿有一张可爱的小脸蛋。
With an angelic face and a vixen body nobody can resist her. 拥有天使般的面孔和悍妇般的身材没有可以抵抗她。
Underwear Power - I believe most of people will agree: Underwear has the magic power, especially when they are on those stunning hunk with handsome angel face and devil body figure. 对很多人来说内裤著实有著难以抵抗的魔力,尤其是穿在天使脸孔魔鬼身材的靓男门身上时,其魔力何止是相加相乘而已!
A stunt man needs to have a good guardian angel. 当特技替身演员的得有个守护天使来保佑。
Even if you, successful, with angel faces, but some required a little bit of willingness to assist people out of care, such people have What is the meaning alive. 就算你家财万贯,事业有成,有着天使脸孔,却不愿为一些需要一点点帮助的人送出关怀,这样的人活着有什么意思。