Prof Dais said: "There was a kneejerk reaction where people said: 'Oh my God. Dais教授说:“当人们说‘我的天啊’时,是他们的一种习惯性反应。
When something happens to a woman, the kneejerk reaction is to assume that she is the miscreant, the breaker of rules. 一有案件的受害人是女性,第一反应就是受害者是个坏女人,是个不守道德的家伙。
Sir Alex Ferguson has promised there will be no kneejerk reaction to Manchester United's early-season slump. 虽然曼联控制了整场比赛,但是曼联在被攻入一球后始终无法打开曼城的大门。
At any rate, military expenditure appears to enjoy a continuing exemption from kneejerk abhorrence of big government in the US. 不管占多大比例,军事开支似乎总能免遭美国大政府条件反射式的憎恶。
Unfortunately, the kneejerk response on the part of the government and central bank is to stimulate the economy by spending money and reducing interest rates. 不幸的是,一些政府和银行的本能反应是通过花钱和削减利率来刺激经济。