So they chose to homeschool their four children. 我尽量告诉他们,他们的课程着重于宗教教义和价值观。
A few weeks back I won a $50 gift certificate to a homeschool store, I used part of it to buy The Farm Game for Kids. 几周前,我在一个家庭学校商店得到了五十美元的礼券。我用其中一部分买了儿童农场游戏。
Both parents were accomplished professionals, but the mom decided to drop out and homeschool their three kids until college. 父母都是有成就的专家,但母亲决定退回家教育他们的三个孩子直到大学。
If you've got a topic you can tutor in, contact the local schools, particularly private ones, and local homeschool groups, and offer your services. 如果你有一个可教的课题,可以联系当地的学校,尤其私人的那一类学校,也可以联系当地的家庭学校集团,向他们提供你的服务。
Unfortunately, much of the discrimination that unschoolers receive is from within the homeschool movement itself and espoused by some homeschool leaders. 很不幸,非学校教育者受到的大多数歧视来自居家教育本身,而且得到了某些居家教育领军人物的煽风点火。