In addition, Fannie and Freddie have bought insurance against borrower defaults when the homebuyer lacks a 20% deposit. 另外,两房还针对购房者未支付20%25首付款时的违约风险购买了保险。
A homebuyer in Miami, say, could offset the risk of price decline in the local area with a housing derivative. 比如说,通过房价衍生品,迈阿密的房屋购买者可以对冲该地区房价的下跌风险。
U.S. housing sales have increased marginally since the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit was enacted on January 1, 2009. 美国住房销售已经出现略微上升,自从2009年1月1日制定的首次购房税务减免%248000开始执行。
Now they want an extension of the first-time homebuyer credit, and more federal spending on infrastructure such as air-traffic control. 而今他们要求扩大首次置车客户的信贷,并且联邦财政支出应更多的用于类似于空中交通管制的基础设施建设。