Calm and thearchy coexist, the mirror gave me this calm. 坦然与众神共处,镜子给了我这份平静。
Chapter 2 is biography of the heroes: invisible temple of thearchy. 第二部分英雄传:无形的“众神殿”。
After a while,the thearchy assembled around the manito. 片刻之间,天庭中的众神都齐聚到了大神的四周。
After a while,the thearchy crowded around the manito. 片刻之间,天庭中的众神都齐聚到了大神的四周。
When the intensity wind which figured the existing of the manito blowed, the clouds of the thearchy was scattered. 表示大神存在的那片强烈气息动荡一下,众神脚下的五彩祥云就荡开去了。