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"It is ery important that the naming of iruses doesn't stigmatise countries, regions or peoples," he said. 他说:“病毒的名称不能责难国家、地区或者人民,这一点很重要。”

Nonetheless, campaigners think the treaty will reduce and stigmatise the use of cluster munitions. 尽管如此,禁令支持者认为条约的达成终将对集束弹药的使用起到约束作用。

The matter is delicate, not only because some of France’s Muslim groups consider that such a move would further stigmatise Islam. 这是一个微妙的问题,不仅因为一些法国穆斯林组织认为此举会进一步刺激穆斯林。

Conversely, social effects could make cuts easier - for example, if the high emissions associated with flying stigmatise air travel among some groups, adds Hulme. 例如,如果乘坐高碳排的飞机旅行会让一部分群体感到耻辱的话,那么相反,社会影响可能会使得削减碳排更加容易。休姆补充道。

The transmission cycle could have been explained in a more sympathetic way which would still get the message across, and yet not stigmatise this unfortunate victim, who would, perforce, have to live with this traumatic memory permanently. 病毒如何传染开来,可以用比较富有同情心的方法解释,避免给这个不幸的受害者留下污点, 即使战胜病毒,这段痛苦和难忘的回忆也将会永烙在她心中。

The wider lesson is not to stigmatise failure but to tolerate it and learn from it: Europe's inability to create a rival to Silicon Valley owes much to its tougher bankruptcy laws. 这一教训更广泛的意义是,别去归咎失败,而要容忍对之,并从中吸取教训:欧洲无力创建硅谷的竞争者,在很大程度是由于其严苛的破产法。

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