Tomson J,Lip GY.Blood pressure changes in acute haemorrhagic stroke[J].Blood Press Monit,2005,10(4):197-199. 方宁远诸骏仁.
Monit System perfmance of display systems using Daktronics Intelligent Device management system (IDM) Webcam where available. 利用达科公司智能设备管理系统和网络画面来监督各显示器系统的工作状况。
Lundmark J,Reis M,Bengtsson F.Serum concentrations of fluoxetine in the clinical treatment setting[J].Therap Drug Monit,2001,23 (2):139. 刘昭前
Monit the serviceability of plant equipment facilities ensure they adhere to safety, housekeeping environmental requirements. 监控工厂设备使之符合安全、环境要求;
Thus the translator will conjecture on the source text,so as to acquire a "clear"understanding and pass the logical monit... 这种强行理解行为常扭曲原文的意义,或者损害原文的美学价值。
监护仪, 检测仪(透)