Note that it is a cystic space from the resolved liquefactive necrosis. 注意液化性坏死溶解形成的囊性空腔。
As this infarct in the brain is organizing and being resolved, the liquefactive necrosis leads to resolution with cystic spaces. 肉眼观:左上角的脑组织梗死表现为液化性坏死。最终坏死组织被清除后留下空洞。
This intermediate infarct of the frontal lobe shows liquefactive necrosis with formation of cystic spaces as resolution begins. 随着溶解开始,额叶亚急性梗死导致液化性坏死并伴有囊性空腔形成。
This is a cerebral abscess.There is a liquefactive center with yellow pus surrounded by a thin wall. 脑脓肿,可见薄壁并附有黄色脓液的液化中心。
The liver shows a small abscess here filled with many neutrophils. This abscess is an example of liquefactive necrosis. 图示伴大量中性白细胞的小脓肿灶,属液化性坏死。