Caveat lector, of course, so much of this is bound to be wrong. 当然,读者要擦亮眼睛,其中的许多预测可能会出现错误。
El busca los libros en los estantes y se los trae al lector. 他去书柜里找这些书并将它们拿给读者.
The Latin Church had long recognized four minor orders (porter, lector, exorcist, acolyte) and four major orders (subdeacon, deacon, priest, bishop). 在拉丁教堂里有四种较低的神职等级:门房,读经人,驱魔师和伺僧;四种高级神职等级:副执事,执事,神父和主教。
Guangyuan Branch of Sichuan Normal University(State-owned public institution): English &Economics Lectorate. 大学英语教学:阅读、应用文写作、听力和口语。
Features: High DC current gain, low saturation voltage,high col lector power dissipation. 特点:高直流电增益,饱和压降低,高集电极耗散功率。