[法] 居住权
Habitatio means the one that a given person possesses and uses another's house and its attachment. 摘要居住权,是指特定的自然人对他人所有的房屋及其附属设施享有的占有、使用的权利。
Habitatio is a kind of ius in re aliena with a personal nature as well as a property nature. 居住权兼具人身性和财产性,是他物权的一种。
Furthermore, it is necessary to legalize habitatio in civil law and to make it more concrete. 更进一步的是,很有必要通过民法实现居住权的私法化和具体化。
The subject of habitatio is only natural person, and its object is another person"s house. 居住权的权利主体应仅限于自然人,权利客体是他人的住房。
The habitatio system is of long standing and well established, even nowadays, it is adopted by many countries in the world. 居住权制度源远流长,直至现代,两大法系的绝大多数国家仍在法律中对其加以明文规定。