A body having the shape of a toroid. 超环状体形状类似超环面的物体
A toroid generated by a circle; a surface having the shape of a doughnut. 环面,环形圆纹曲面圆圈形成的超环面;具有炸面圈一样形状的表面。
A toroid generated by a circle;a surface having the shape of a doughnut. 环面,环形圆纹曲面圆圈形成的超环面;具有炸面圈一样形状的表面
But you sure won’t find a toroid off the shelf that performs as well. 但你肯定不会找到一个现成的环形性能相当。
Fly your spaceship into the toroid and exit at any time of your choosing, as far back as the creation of the time machine. 他推论,离开一般空间,在一个具有特定甜甜圈状重力场的甜甜圈状真空空间里,便能建构出一架时光机。