Methods One hundred and two anisometropic cases were divided into three groups. 方法将102例屈光参差性弱视儿童按年龄分3组,对所有患者进行相关干预与治疗。
Laser in situ Keratomileusis for hypermetropic anisometropia in Children[J]. 引用该论文 汪辉
Hedgpeth EM, Sullivan M. Anisometropic amblyopia and its treatment[J]. South Med J 1997,70: 1059 - 1960. 陈君平宋文熹吴奇惠.
No significant abnormality in P-ERG waveform of anisometropic amblyopic eyes was found. 弱视眼P-ERG与正常儿童组比较并无明显异常。
Results There were 6667% anisometropic amblyopia and 3333% strabismic amblyopia among the 96 patients. 结果单眼弱视中屈光参差性弱视占6667%25,斜视性弱视占3333%25。