The above make the real estate registration anfractuous. 所有这些,最终使得物权登记成为了一个分歧丛生的领域。
And his “discourse” is growing up among the anfractuous relations. 而商谈正是成长于这种盘根错节的关系之中的。
The development of Media Industry is facing very anfractuous situation. 传媒产业的发展正面临着错综复杂的局面。
There are many anfractuous reasons for this crisis, but we can't ignore the long and negative influence of the dictatorship in history. 这种持续的危机有着错综复杂的原因,但是不可忽视历史上独裁政权遗留下来的长期而消极的影响。
The technicians in scientific research institute and papermaking enterprise often face many calculations, which are various, anfractuous and fallible. 在科研院所、造纸企业中技术人员经常与各种计算公式打交道。
Power utilities in China are facing anfractuous risks,including natural risks,artificial risks,liability risks and financial risks. 我国电力企业所面临的风险是错综复杂的,它包括自然风险、人为风险、责任风险和财务风险等。