Ovules are anatropous, unitegmic. 胚珠倒生,单层珠被。
The ovule is unitegmic,tenuinucellate and anatropous. 薄珠心,单珠被,倒生胚珠,蓼型胚囊。
The ovule is anatropous, bitegmious, crassinucellate.Megaspore tetrad is linear. 子房三室,双珠被,厚珠心,倒生胚珠。
The ovary was trilocular with axile placentation and the ovule was anatropous, biteguminous and crassinucellate. 子房3室,中轴胎座。胚珠倒生,双珠被,厚珠心型。
Alangium chinense (Lour.) Harms is apical placentation.The ovule is anatropous,unitegmic and crassinucellar. 八角枫为顶生胎座、倒生胚珠、单珠被。