The cure of ammoniac candy and tenosynovitis? 氨糖与腱鞘炎的治疗?
What is the action of capsule of yellow easy of third of ammoniac benzyl Xilin? 氨苄西林丙黄舒胶囊的作用是什么?
Does check-up turn is ammoniac mildew exorbitant cannot become a teacher? 体检转氨霉过高不能当老师?
It is ammoniac black silk ribbon, a kind of new-style stretch spin material. 这是黑氨丝纶,一种新型的弹性纺织材料。
Ammoniac nitrogen pollution is to bring about Jiang He laky water system one of main factors of eutrophication. 氨氮污染是导致江河湖泊水体富营养化的主要因素之一。