Except with an "amaurosis" everything goes dark... |和 ''全盲''所有东西都变黑不同的是...
Gaze-evoked amaurosis is an uncommon but pathognomonic symptom of intrinsic orbital mass lesion. 摘要注视引发黑蒙症,虽然不多见,却是眼窝肿瘤特有的症状。
Watch of toxic eye ministry has carbon monoxide eye flesh is paralytic, cross sexual amaurosis. 一氧化碳中毒眼部表现有眼肌麻痹,一过性黑朦。
Major clinical manifestations include amaurosis fugax and visual transient ischemic attacks(TIA). 临床主要表现为一过性黑蒙和视网膜短暂性缺血发作(TIA),以预防病因和对症治疗为主。
Patients in the study suffered from a condition called Leber's congenital amaurosis. 研究中的病人罹患莱伯氏先天性黑内障(Leber'scongenitalamaurosis)。
Do complaints of amaurosis fugax and blurred vision after transcatheter device closure of atrial septal defect indicate microemboli to retinal vessels? 经导管房间隔缺损封堵术后一过性黑和视觉模糊是否提示视网膜血管微栓子形成?