Dites-moi en gros de quoi il s''agit. 把这件事的大体意思跟我说说.
Dans ce livre, il s’agit d’un petit prince qui rencontre un aviateur. 这本书讲述的是一个小王子遇到了一个飞行员。
You want to kidnap your people with these agitative words,you want make a feint to the pubulic. 你们用过激的言辞,想要绑架公众的思维,想要在公众面前制造假象。
Therefore it was well said,Invidia festos dies non agit: for it is ever working upon some or other. 所以古人说得好:嫉妒从不休假;因为它总在某些人心中作祟。
During the gathering, Rebiya made an agitative speech, calling on foreign governments to support their separatist movement. 热比娅在活动中发表煽动性讲话,要求外国政府支持他们的分裂活动。此次闹事活动持续约3个小时。