But I believe our government can solve the accident advisably. 但是我相信我们的政府能够合理的解决这个问题。
The wise plans advisably while the fool moves improperly. 智者顺时而谋,愚者逆时而动。
The pre-eminent leader of the party was Mark Hanna of Ohio, Mckinley's advis er and a member of the Senate. 党的显要领袖是俄亥俄州的国会参议员、麦金荣的顾问马克·汉纳。
And Tuscan winemaker Piergiorgio Castellani became a technical advis(or)er to the project. 此外托斯卡纳当地的酿酒师PiergiorgioCastellani被聘为本工程的技术顾问。
Method With the self-ed ited sche dule of survey about the 108 cases kidney disease patients not following the doc tor s advi ce. 方法采用自编肾脏病患者饮食遵医调查问卷表,对108例肾脏病患者的饮食不遵医情况进行调查。