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adv. 向下; 朝下; 顺 ... 而下

prep. 向下; 朝下; 顺 ... 而下

When the moment made by material on turning plate is greater than that of heavy hammer and rocker, the disc will open adown to discharge. 当作用于翻板上的物料产生的力矩大于重锤摇杆产生的力矩时,阀板打开向下卸灰。

In fact, adown the vista of the garden avenue, a number of persons were seen approaching towards the house. 事实上,可以看见从花园中的林荫路的那头,有几个人正朝房子走过来。

People put their drinks adown, stepped onto the dance floor and danced to the pop European music. 大家马上放下自己的小酒,跳进舞池,随着欧美时尚流行音乐,开始惬意舞动!

He can brave a moonlight walk adown sweet-scented lanes or a twilight pull among the somber rushes. 他敢于在香气袭人的小径上月下漫步,也敢在黄昏时分在阴暗的草丛中摸索前行。

Horizontal or adown & oblique depression of ST segments outbalance to upwards & oblique depression for diagnosis of coronary heart diseases. ST段水平型或下斜型压低者诊断冠心病意义大。

Results Horizontal or adown & oblique depression of ST segments outbalance to upwards & oblique depression for diagnosis of coronary heart diseases. 结果ST段水平型或下斜型压低者诊断冠心病意义大。

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