Capacitation of acrosome; Process of pregnancy. 精子获能;妊娠的过程。
The nuclear cup was positive and acrosome PAS positive. 细胞化学反应显示,核杯为Feulgen阳性,顶体为PAS阳性。
Some of the damage sperms lost the acrosome, midpiece and flagellum. 线粒体内嵴弥散,线粒体脱落;
Proacrosomal vesicle formed and gradually developed into an acrosome. 精细胞时期顶体颗粒形成,线粒体明显的融合成一巨型线粒体。
In the sea ucrhin eggs, sperm acrosome reaction stirred up the eggs week in a polysaccharide film material. 在海胆卵上,激起精子顶体反应的是卵周胶膜中的某种多糖物质。