vi. 因文化传入而变化
vt. 借文化传入使 ... 变化
The course is designed to acculturate new staff. 此课程旨在帮助新员工适应环境。
Schools help to acculturate the second generation of immigrants. 学校有助于使移民的第二代适应迁入国的文化习俗。
The children of immigrants have come to acculturate. 移民的孩子们已逐渐适应迁入国的文化习俗。
The rules of service are the basic for alarm service industry to acculturate and network. 报警服务运营规范是报警服务社会化、网络化的基石;
It is putting at risk the child's cognitive and personal development and it is negating the child's need to acculturate into the two world's that he/she belongs to. 这不但是拿小孩的认知及个人发展来冒险,而且也忽略了听障小孩应该融入这两个世界的需求。
As military officials were to acculturate Confucian principles and practices after 951, the government's orientation shifted from the military to the civilian side. 在951年之后,由于武人官僚逐渐接受儒家的原则与实践,政府的取向则由武人向文人专变。