The cash currency is the UAE dirham. 支付货币为阿联酋迪拉姆,工资表由乙方签字。
Curious about the recent highs in the UAE Dirham? 好奇在在UAE迪拉姆的最近的高峰附近?
A child is not going to spend 30, 40 or 50 dirham on a packet," she said. 一个孩子不会花30、40或50阿联酋迪拉姆购买一包卷烟。”
All payment will be completed when the employment contract expires.Wage will be converted into local currency as DHS (Dirham). 工资的发放甲方将折换成当地货币,以DHS(迪拉姆)的形式发放。
Boosting the value of the riyal or dirham wouldn't alter the world price of oil or the amount the Gulf countries export. 里亚尔或迪拉姆的升值不会改变石油的全球价格或是海湾国家的石油出量。